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Philanthropy is about doing good and giving back to the community.


However, recent events are showing us that there are more and more disparities between philanthropy and diversity, equity and inclusion. Rockefeller Philanthropic Advisors provides an excellent example; One foundation wanted to help underprivileged families in a distressed neighborhood. They decided to donate car seats to families at the hospital before they went home with their new babies.

Unfortunately, most of the families that received the seats did not have cars. There was a huge difference between what the foundation thought the families needed and what they did require. If the people being served had been included in the conversation, this well-intended mistake could have been avoided. This is just one small example of the gaps found in diversity, equity and inclusion in philanthropy.

I had the pleasure of speaking with Izaah Knox, Executive Director of Urban Dreams in Des Moines, and the state of diversity, equity and inclusion in philanthropy. Izaah is a well-known community leader and recently was named the Des Moines Business Record’s Best Diverse Business Leader. Click below to hear the full interview.

Recently, the Businessolver Foundation changed our giving pillars to include; mental health, STEM and tech education and diversity, equity and inclusion. We believe actively adding diversity, equity and inclusion to what we focus on and support will move us in the right direction of being a better company in these efforts and supporting those in the community who share our vision.

Check out the conversation between Izaah and I below. 


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