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For 17 years, our team has found ways to make a difference in the community. From blood drives to feeding the hungry, to raising money for animal shelters and spending time with children with cancer – we continuously strive to make a positive impact in our community.

Last year, we were happy to be able to grant a Disney World trip to a Wish Kid and his family. We invited the family to join us for a pre-trip party at the office, complete with tasty treats and gifts to make the trip more enjoyable. The experience was one that has made a lasting impact on many of our employees, and has served as inspiration for us to get even more involved in making a difference and making wishes come true.

This week, Make-A-Wish’s largest annual fundraiser, Jolly Holiday Lights, announced that it has been shut down for the season due to severe flooding in Des Moines that damaged much of the equipment that was used to help create the holiday experience that many of us enjoy each year. Make-A-Wish has estimated that they will lose over $200,000 in donations this year without the annual fundraiser. That’s around 20 kids who will not be granted wishes in 2016 because the funding is not there.

In true Solver Spirit, our office has rallied to help Make-A-Wish in their time of need. This morning we opened up our first “swag” campaign, allowing employees to trade their internal points for donations to Make-A-Wish. Our employees have been overly supportive and happy to make contributions.

On top of the inspiring support from all of our employees, our President and CEO, Jon Shanahan, today announced that he has accepted the #BringTheJolly CEO challenge and is donating an additional $10,000 to Make-A-Wish Iowa on behalf of Businessolver.

It has been heartwarming to watch our office come together for a cause close to many of our hearts. We are honored to have the opportunity to make such a positive impact through granting wishes for children with life-threatening medical conditions and in making sure this holiday tradition continues for years to come, and hope that we can inspire others to do so too.

Jolly Holiday Lights may be cancelled, but that's not stopping us from showing heart! We're proud to show our heart and challenge you to join the #BringTheJolly mission with us. Visit iowa.wish.org to learn how!

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