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Businessolver Make-A-Wish

Over the past 18 months, Businessolver has had the amazing opportunity to team up with the Make A Wish Foundation of Iowa to grant a wish to a child in our community with a life-threating medical condition.

By engaging our employees in fun games, competitions, and fundraisers, we raised over $8,000 as a company. This past Friday we celebrated reaching this milestone and we were able to spread delight in the form of a trip to Disney World to our new friend Clark and his family with a party in our B&G, complete with tasty treats and a presentation that included pictures from the numerous fundraising events Businessolver held to make Clark’s wish come true.

“Being involved with the entire process and final send-off has been one of the most rewarding and inspiring things I’ve ever participated in,” said Erica Adams, concierge and one of many key organizers for our Make A Wish events. “Clark just turned seven and didn’t want a birthday party, he wanted a ‘Farewell Cancer’ party. Party did we ever!”

Our top fundraiser was a March Madness bracket contest which raised over $1,300. Employees also donated goods for a Businessolver garage sale, which raised $1,200 and decorated their own (hobby) racehorses in honor of Derby Days, which raised another $1,200. Other events held included several cash bars after work, cookies and cake pop deliveries on Valentine’s Day, and a cook book compilation of our employees’ favorite recipes.

We couldn’t have spread delight to Clark and his family without the help of the Make A Wish foundation or our employees’ excitement and dedication to granting this wish. Most importantly—we had a lot of fun doing it!

Businessolver Charity

Clark and his family had a blast on their trip to Disney World in July!

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