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The Skinny

Weekend plans?

Posted on Saturday, July 1


Weekly Skinny

Let’s start off on the right foot
“Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer.”  
—Leonardo da Vinci 
The skinny 

Congratulations! We made it through the first half of 2023. Let’s take a moment to celebrate with a little rest and relaxation. 

Clear your mind and desk

 Summer means enjoying the weather and getting away from the work grind. Whether you’re looking forward to getting out into the summer sun or chillaxing in the AC, summer fun should be all about recharging from the winter. So, whatever you do, find opportunities to take time for yourself and step away from the computer screen. 

Weekend plans?

You (hopefully) have a long weekend ahead of you, but if you don’t, it’s never too late to adopt a vacation mindset. Engaging in meaningful and intentional rest time by treating time off as a mini vacation. These moments where you give yourself space to prioritize wellbeing can lead to a greater sense of happiness and overall satisfaction, and ultimately better focus and productivity at work. 

Treat yourself

Truer words were never spoken. This timeless advice from Donna Meagle and Tom Haverford has become legendary. But you deserve more than one day a year to be extra generous with your self-care.  So go ahead. Schedule in those just-for-you indulgences, whether that’s taking a mental health day or savoring that tantalizing cheesecake you’ve been eyeing. 

Stop scrolling

The average time spent on social media per day is about 2.5 hours. Almost everyone uses their work break time to scroll through their feeds. If you’re feeling drained after a break, try switching up your routine. Go outside for some fresh air, hang out with your pet, meditate, or plan a restorative weekend.  

Breathe in

Everyone’s relaxation modes look different. But no one can deny the benefits of taking a few to take in some fresh air. Speak positive affirmations or try box breathing to lower anxiety and improve your body’s response to stress. As we embrace the weekend, we should be taking the opportunity to align our ambitions with self-care, fostering a harmonious integration of work and personal life. 

Consider: 😌 zen mode
Now Streaming: (by Rotten Tomatoes score): 100%, 100%, 90%, 87%, 77%  
Now Playing: (by Rotten Tomatoes score): 98%, 98%, 96%, 82%, 76%

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“Make each day your masterpiece.”