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The Skinny

Slacking or self-care?

Posted on Saturday, April 29


Weekly Skinny

Let’s start off on the right foot

 “The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness.” –Sakyong Mipham 

The skinny 

Let’s embrace putting our health and wellbeing first.  


A case of the Monday's

Monday heralds the beginning of May and Mental Health Month. But Mondays are, overall, in desperate need of a re-branding. First there was Garfield, and now there’s TikTok’s latest trend, Bare Minimum Mondays. Clearly, Mondays aren’t a fan-favorite for any generation.  


Slacking or self-care?

The “bare minimum” does not sound aspirational, but it’s an effort to stop the Sunday scaries from turning into an anxiety-induced Monday meltdown. This mindset can help people prioritize the work that is truly most important. Since 20% of the adult population is experiencing a mental health issue at any given time, a little “slow and steady” philosophy can help everyone breathe easier.  

Yeah, I'm talkin' to you.

Parents, people managers, HR professionals: so many people lean on you, so don’t put your self-care on the back burner to prioritize others’ needs. Taking care of yourself, both physically and mentally, means you can sustainably be the leader and person you want to be at and away from work. 

And another thing!

Leaders set the example. Stress is high all around and 67% of employees want their employer to help. When leaders take their time off and enjoy it without sending an email here or there, employees know they, too, can sign off without anyone expecting a response.   

Easier said than done!

Though we all have good intentions, it’s difficult to set and stick to boundaries when it comes to screentime and email. Especially for remote employees who likely have work apps on their phone, mindfulness is key to reducing anxiety and breaking those bad habits. Plus, vacation commitment prevents burnout from happening to begin with, so get some sun!  

Now a break from the news…

True Love 

Compliance Corner

National State of Emergency Update 

social-corner-icon-skinnySocial Corner

Nominate for the Solvies

Rae's Roundup - what we're reading 

Why We Don’t Take Postpartum Mental Health Seriously Enough