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The Skinny

Party at my place.

Posted on Saturday, April 22


Weekly Skinny

Let’s start off on the right foot

 “The broadest, and maybe the most meaningful definition of volunteering:  Doing more than you have to because you want to, in a cause you consider good.” —Ivan Scheier

The skinny 

Earth Day is another fun opportunity to engage employees in your mission and values. 


Party at my place.

Today is a day of activism for many around the globe championing climate change. Earth Day encourages everyone to do their small part to reduce (reuse and recycle) their carbon footprint and offset emissions. Many employees enjoy volunteering, fundraising, and collaborating for a cause. It’s fun and rewarding! 

All shapes and sizes.

Philanthropy makes a difference no matter how small. Writing letters to seniors, preparing care packages, or holding a virtual fundraiser game night are relatively easy ways to give back. Employers can also provide paid time for in-person activities like volunteering at a food bank, animal shelter, children’s hospital, or nursing home. 

Church and state?

When given the choice, employees want organizations that foster personal purpose. Work is a subset of life, and modern workers simply cannot (or don’t want to) separate the two. Organizational values are often communicated through feelings in addition to policies: 82% of employees say it’s important for their organization to see them as a person. 

Am I Z-ing double?

Once again, younger professionals are spurring much of this change. Whether it be diversity, transparency, or technology, Gen Z wants to know how they work and why they work, pushing for mission-driven employers. Nearly 9 in 10 Gen Zers and Millennials say they’d leave a job to work somewhere that better matches their values. 

A beautiful butterfly.

That’s not to say that Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials aren’t looking for joy and purpose in their work. It simply looks different. For senior employees, happiness looks like clear communication. On the other hand for younger workers, workplace happiness means their work environment brings out the best in them.  

Now a break from the news…

Hollywood Gossip

Compliance Corner

DOL Guidance

social-corner-icon-skinnySocial Corner

First thing's first

Rae's Roundup - what we're reading 

How Volunteering Can Positively Impact Employee Wellness and Community Engagement