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The Skinny

Nose goes.

Posted on Saturday, February 12


Weekly Skinny

Let’s start off on the right foot

“There are days when I wake up and am nearly moved to tears at the way the sun shows up over and over.”–Rachel Cargle

The skinny

When Black employees are sponsored by their organizations, they are 60% less likely to quit within a year than peers who are not sponsored.

Sponsoring this message.

Truly. It’s not surprising that recent research shows executive sponsorship is by far the most effective intervention a company can make to advance Black talent.

So, why isn’t this trending?

Because, of course, it’s complicated. But one reason that stands out is that Black managers cannot look to senior Black colleagues for sponsorship. And white executives don’t tend to advocate for their Black employees either.

Not a good look.

Not at all. Black executives are few and far between–a mere 3% of corporate executives. And, 91% of white managers have no Black, Asian, or Latinx people in their immediate social network.  


Yes. Quit rates among Black professionals have become punishing, both for individuals and for companies who have invested heavily in a diverse talent pipeline. It’s a Catch-22 really.  

What do you mean?

Well, many Black employees are quitting because they don’t connect with senior colleagues (because of lack of diversity at the top), and as a result, miss out on sponsorship opportunities.  

How can we be better?

It’s not going to happen organically; I’ll tell you that much. There are a ton of structural and cultural barriers that stand in the way of progress. Organizations need to urgently prioritize well-financed interventions that create access to senior-level advocacy for Black managers and executives.

Like what?

For one, get CEO buy in. Two, try providing customized executive coaching for both sponsors and protégés. The tools and tactics for inclusion need to be taught on both ends.  

Is anyone leading the way?

Yes. Brands like JPMorgan, Splunk, DraftKings, Norton Rose Fulbright, Fox News, and Cisco have all committed to—or recommitted to—formal sponsorship initiatives that target high-performing Black talent.  

Date with data: 49% of Black adults of working age are planning to look for a new job this year, compared to 34% of white adults.

Further reading: The Sponsor Effect: How to Be a Better Leader by Investing in Others.

The skinny

A recent study reveals that 60% of us are breathing wrong, which could lead to increased health issues.

Breathe in, breathe out…?

Lolz. For sure, we all...breathe. But, apparently, breathing correctly is harder than we all thought.  

Holding my breath.

Well, stop that. First and foremost, are you expanding your belly when you breathe?  


Well, that’s part of the issue. Most of us are only breathing into our upper chests, which is not good. These short, shallow breaths trigger our sympathetic nervous system, which is the system that automatically regulates body functions such as heart rate and blood pressure.  

So what?

Well, that also triggers flight or fight responses, too. Meaning, shallow breathing is keeping us in a constant state of stress.  


Breathe, just breathe. Take a few moments each day and think about how deeply you are breathing. The perfect breath is about 5.5 seconds in and 5.5 seconds out–equal parts inhale and exhale.

Full lungs can’t lose.

Just keep your mouth shut. Mouth-breathing is one of the biggest ways we can mess up our breathing flow. So put the nose in the game for winning breathing.  

If you nose…you know.

High five! Fun fact: the nose has over 30 functions that help us breathe better like humidifying the air going into our lungs as well as controlling the temperature.

For you: Mindful breathing exercise.

Further reading: 5-minute breathing workout lowers blood pressure as much as exercise.

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