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The Skinny


Posted on Saturday, October 22


Weekly Skinny

Let’s start off on the right foot

"Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.” — Louisa May Alcott 

The skinny 

Inflation is out of control, meaning employees must get creative to stay afloat.


Galactic neighbors.

On this day 47 years ago, humans took the first up-close photograph of another planet. Venus, similar in size to us and even sharing some planetary material, is often called Earth’s evil twin. 


Not evil, but certainly controversial, some people have twin careers. Dual-employed. Moonlighting. Whatever you want to call it, it’s time to talk about the side hustle. Inflation is now forcing the average household to spend at least an additional $445 a month to maintain their lifestyle.

Night owl.

Working parents, especially, are looking for second jobs, higher paying positions, and extra shifts. Whatever it takes to make ends meet, because pay just isn’t keeping up with expenses. Raising a child to age 17 now tips the scales at approximately $300,000. 

Is this even humanly possible?  

On the one hand, some workers are left asking themselves how to cut corners off a circle. While others are trying to have their cake and eat it too, using remote technologies and flexible policies to accept two full-time positions. Technically not illegal, some employers are now explicitly deeming the practice unethical—fireable even.


Heated as it may be, this argument boils down to two things: employee wellbeing and job performance. If neither is impaired, then what’s the harm in letting folks make some extra cash?

Income, in-go. 

Outside of the few workaholics, moonlighting is primarily motivated by financial stress. Ideally every organization would be able to raise salaries to keep up with inflation. In the meantime, demystifying benefits can make a big difference. When employees know how to access their HSA funds or easily book in-network care, for example, they have a cushion for financial surprises.  

Date with Data: 65% of people are looking to cut discretionary spending and 28% of employees reported putting off health services to save money.

Further Reading: Moonlighting – boon or bane? Experts weigh in on the impact of dual employment on future of work

For you: Career Ladder or Career Lattice: Which One is Better

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