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The Skinny

In a parallel universe...

Posted on Saturday, February 25


Weekly Skinny

Let’s start off on the right foot

 “In recognizing the humanity of our fellow beings, we pay ourselves the highest tribute.” —Thurgood Marshall
The skinny 

Let February deepen your efforts to foster belonging in your organization.


In a parallel universe...

Life as we know it would not be the same without the innovations of Black Americans throughout history. Launching the precursor to Google and designing the first home security system, Black inventors have left their mark throughout our daily lives… and continue to do so in every workplace today.

3, 2, 1... liftoff!

As we recognize Black History Month, remember this is an opportunity to kickstart efforts to prevent discrimination and bring about a greater feeling of belonging for Black employees.  A little extra intention goes a long way to reinforce you’re available to support and advocate for Black employees.

Just out of reach.

For marginalized groups, the stakes are high in the workplace to perform no matter what or act as a representative for a larger, complex community. Building a culture that promotes rest and work-life balance, can help ease the unrealistic expectations many Black employees feel to give 110% every day.

Don't let it fizzle.

While DEI initiatives increased across the nation just a couple years ago, today’s efforts are on the chopping block as budgets tighten. Diversity and inclusion need a revival to address real issues with sincerity. More than 21% of employees aren’t feeling the authenticity behind their leaders social justice issues.

Making ends meet.

With pay inequities between races and inflation, employees need more money in their pocket. Investing in learning can create upward mobility for workers of all backgrounds. Mentorships, coaching, and upskilling of all kinds can change the career trajectories of those who otherwise wouldn’t have access to the opportunity. With increased income often comes greater quality of life.

Two birds, one stone.

One way to build community and offer support is to establish an employee resource group. These employee-led collectives create space to share personal experiences and improve inclusivity and combat isolation.

Now a break from the news…

BFF Photoshoot

Compliance Corner

Transition Roadmap

social-corner-icon-skinnySocial Corner

For the Second Year

Rae's Roundup - what we're reading 

9 Black History Month Ideas from Time Magazine