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The Skinny


Posted on Saturday, October 29


Weekly Skinny

Let’s start off on the right foot

“Growth and comfort do not coexist.” —Ginni Rometty 

The skinny 

Employers are saying goodbye to the #bossbabe, so how do we nurture our women in the workforce? 



Outperforming only herself this week, Taylor Swift’s latest album, Midnights, sells over one million records in its first three days. Although she’s made a reputation for breaking hearts and then writing breakup songs, what Tay Tay really broke is all expectations. In the streaming era, albums flying off the digital shelves like this is unheard of. 

A bigger breakup. 

Once again, the workplace is seeing an exodus of women. Early COVID social distance mandates complicated childcare, prompting over two million caregivers (often women) to hand in their notice. Today, inflation is making childcare a luxury, forcing many women to call it quits with their current employer. 

Seeing someone else.

Even at the executive level, women are switching to organizations that aren’t afraid of commitment. Commitment to flexibility, DEI, and development. With an appetite for ambition, many women are simply unwilling to sacrifice work-life balance and quality culture for the next job title. 

The middle (wo)man.  

What about the worker who isn’t jumping ship… but isn’t jumping at the next opportunity, either? Every employee thrives when they have some say in how they get work done. For women who carry the load of their household responsibilities, flexibility and feeling valued at work is becoming more essential by the day.

Squeaky wheel gets the grease. 

In our busy work days, it’s all too easy to forget to praise our colleagues. Genuine praise from a manager goes a long way for most, but half of employees wouldn’t complain if they were to be recognized in a more tangible way. Remember, just as much as compensation, managers have a great influence on job satisfaction.

Managers > money. 

Managers are instruments of great culture, providing the support employees need to push through obstacles.  Developing emotional intelligence within leaders helps diffuse stress and further organizational values (*wink wink* flexibility and DEI). These are quickly becoming table stakes for all employees.   

Date with Data: 37% of employees report their mental health levels have lowered over the last six months. 

Double Date: Managers spend 4 hours a week on conflict, Myers-Briggs study says. 

More: Employee Caregivers Are Quitting. Here’s How to Keep Them

Now a break from the news…

Love Taylor

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