The Skinny by Businessolver


Written by Businessolver | Oct 21, 2023 2:15:00 PM
Let’s start off on the right foot
“We get so wrapped up in numbers in our society. The most important thing is that we are able to be one-to-one, you and I with each other at the moment. If we can be present to the moment with the person that we happen to be with, that's what's important.” 
―Fred Rogers
The skinny 

Were you at HR Tech in Las Vegas last week? We were! And the hottest topic on the agenda? AI (of course). The AI train is chugging at full speed ahead, and we’re here to make sure you don’t get whiplash in the form of technostress. 


 Originally coined during the rise of the computer in 1984, “technostress has come around again to aptly describe how we’re all feeling in the digital age—so much technology, so little time.  
It’s a vicious cycle: new tech is adopted, there’s a learning curve, you get stressed because of information overload, you get anxious about the time it takes to learn it, and as soon as you think you’ve got the hang of it, it’s time to switch it up again with different tech, or new features. 

Are we done with AI yet? 

Magic 8 ball says... Not likely. AI innovation is like an out-of-control gremlin that got fed after midnight. It’s growing exponentially, and it seems like there’s a new enhancement around every corner these days. But, to lean into the optimistic outlook of Mister Rogers, the deeper we look at AI, the more we see the helper in the code.  

Trick or treat 

Let’s play a game: Which two AI innovations are true, and which one is the lie?  

  1. There are police robots that guard our cities right now.  
  2. There’s a device that can diagnose a plethora of health conditions from diabetes to pneumonia.
  3. Celebrities are selling their likenesses to social media for AI conversations and faux friendships. 

These could all be the basis of a sci-fi movie plot, but this was a trick question: these all exist. Alongside AI, these innovations are not solely generative AI-driven. Let’s be real, ChatGPT by itself is not a great tool. It can’t even pass a basic logic test. However, when integrated with other powerful technologies, therein lies its true value. 

Tech-life balance 

Might we make a podcast suggestion? Introducing the Benefits Pulse, a regular discussion series launching in 2024 focusing on current HR and benefits trends and insights. Stay tuned for more details about what’s next for The Skinny as we wind down the rest of the year. 

Empathy at Work: Employees’ hierarchy of needs. Read more
Spooky: HR horror stories. Read more
AI Humor: The future of work. Read more.


Now a break from the news…

How AI gives HR the advantage 

Social Corner 

Frightfully delicious Halloween treats