The Skinny by Businessolver

April showers

Written by Businessolver | Apr 16, 2022 5:15:00 PM

Let’s start off on the right foot   

“Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.” ―Winnie the Pooh

The skinny

When employees aren’t living paycheck-to-paycheck, they can just live. 


Make it rain!
Tax Day is Monday. Are you planning how you’ll splurge with your return or how you’ll pay up? Financial stress, already running rampant, tends to spike this time of year as people come face-to-face with their financial reality. 

 April showers. 
Nearly 30% of employees struggle to put food on the table and pay their bills, so it’s no wonder money woes can distract people from their job responsibilities, personal or work relationships, and other social obligations.  

 State of Emergency fund. 
A buffer for out-of-the-blue expenses is step numero uno in achieving financial stability. Except no one expected the pandemic to last so long that skinny jeans would go out of stye. Our collective emergency funds are running on fumes.   

How about those gas prices? 
Everybody is ranting about inflation. Rent, property, and fuel prices all are through the roof, meaning money is tighter than tight. Especially with the economic volatility lately, many people are making critical financial decisions in the present moment.   

By the moonlight. 
The top two reasons some workers have more than one job: the essential costs of living and covering health-related expenses. To support employees right now, one company raised its minimum wage to $20 an hour—triple the federal minimum. Short-term savings are another great option, allowing funds to be used without penalty on a quicker timeline than traditional avenues.   

 Nest egg hunt! 
Whether they celebrate Easter or not, everyone loves uncovering new treats. So, now is a great time to consider adding financial well-being benefits to help employees set money aside and leverage their dollars wisely. Or even better, remind them about money they already have, like HSA or FSA funds.   

Date with data: Only 12% of people feel prepared for an ER bill. 

Further reading: How is financial stress impacting employees? 5 things to know 

The skinny 
Wanna live a longer, healthier life? Wrangle your stress by staying rooted in secure relationships outside of work.  

The head and the heart.  
Just because you logically understand why you feel stressed, doesn’t mean that tightness in your chest will suddenly go away. Abracadabra! 

Just breathe through it? 
Meditation and exercise are popular recommendations to use those physical sensations in your favor. Not unhelpful, for sure. But these tactics don’t necessarily get to the root of chronic stress—the culprit for brain shrinkage, mental health repercussions, hypertension, and other life-threatening concerns.  

Boy, byeee. 
The simplest (and simultaneously most complicated) solution is to promptly exit unhealthy, overwhelmingly negative situations. An old friendship you’ve outgrown ... A volunteer promise that’s stretching you thin ... A career that’s no longer fulfilling ... 

If I was a rich girl! 
Jobs are a lifeline to keeping a roof over your head, maintaining health insurance, building/expanding social connections, and more. Many employees—especially those with young children, aging parents, or both—must consider the implications of their decisions on family and cash flow. Point is, not everyone is fortunate enough to adios on situations no longer truly serving them.  

And then there’s secondhand stress. 
Compassion fatigue. Empathy on empty. We’re all feeling it these days, needing to support friends and family through thick and thin. It can quickly become a vicious cycle, taking on others’ stress only to pass it off as you lean on someone else’s shoulder. How do we let stress go before it spreads like a virus?  

Daily routines full of healthy choices and small joys go a long way. But the best way to combat life stress is to double down on your close relationships—both given and chosen. Being in secure relationships is already known to increase happiness, but did you know they also prevent memory loss?!  

F is for fun. 
While work stress can leave you asleep on the couch as episodes of Euphoria auto-play in the background, it’s important to make time for passion projects and community events. Having a fulfilling life outside of work, even with the scheduling headache, does wonders for stress and anxiety.  

Double date: 84% of Americans report feeling stressed weekly, up from 78% in March 2021 

For you: Create a Sensory First Aid Kit 

Now a break from the news…

Say goodbye to negativity


Here’s something to…   

Social Corner

De-stress not Distressed 

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